Rejuvenating hand mask at home

how to rejuvenate hand skin at home

You can tell from a woman's hands how she grooms. When the skin of a woman's hands is smooth and velvety, and the nails are well-groomed, it is impossible to miss this particular beauty. It is hard to imagine in our time that a representative of the fair sex with unkempt hands would be nonsense.

But what to do if wrinkles appear on the skin of your hands at 40? The most important thing is not to despair and focus all of your efforts on antiaging procedures. Of course, visiting beauty salons is not affordable for everyone, but you can find a solution to this problem at home too. With the help of homemade masks, you can achieve an amazing and quick effect.

How to achieve a quick effect

To get a quick anti-aging effect, you don't have to spend a lot of effort, time and money on it. Everything you need to make masks can be found in your refrigerator. A few ingredients are enough to prepare the product and usually you can see an amazing result after several sessions.

In order for the result to exceed all expectations, you need to bring into the system all the rules for preparing masks at home, the rules for applying them to your hands and, most importantly, hand care. Before applying the mask, you need to prepare your hands for the session. It is best to use a special bath before each mask.

Baths before applying the mask

Before applying the mask, you need to carefully prepare your hands. The preparation is easy. A soothing soak is a useful preparatory step.

Like the mask, the bath can be prepared independently at home:

Skin rejuvenation options
  • Herbal bath recipe. Take a teaspoon of linden, chamomile, St. John's wort and nettle. Pour the herb collection with boiling water (half a liter). Simmer the herbal broth in a water bath for ten to fifteen minutes. Strain the resulting broth through a cheesecloth, better fold it four times. The strained broth must be brought to a volume of one liter. That is, add water until a liter is obtained. Dip your hands in the finished broth and hold for ten minutes.
  • Flaxseed bath. This requires three teaspoons of flaxseed and five drops of essential oil. Preparation: Pour the flaxseed into water and bring it to a boil over low heat. Then strain and grind in a mortar. Pour the previously decanted broth into the resulting porridge and cook everything again. The container in which the flax is located must be wrapped in a towel and left in this form for half an hour. After half an hour, open the container and cool it to a temperature that is comfortable for your hands. Steam your hands in the resulting mixture for ten to fifteen minutes.

Applying the bath before applying the mask improves the effect of the mask on the skin. You can choose a bath that you like best, you can change it every time - this is not the main thing. Most importantly, it should be used regularly. Your hands are now ready for the next step.

5 rules for applying masks

In order for the mask to achieve the expected effect, certain conditions must be met for preparation and subsequent application on the hands. If done correctly, the process itself should be fun.

Rules for the preparation and use of anti-aging masks:

  • For the best effectiveness of the mask, you must do this in the evening, some are even used overnight. This is due to the fact that at this point the skin is resting and in a relaxed state. A positive result of the mask can be expected if you do it in one course, namely, apply it several times, but regularly.
  • Anti aging hand mask recipes
  • Before applying the mask, you must first wash your hands and then apply the bath.
  • After the bath, dry your hands first. They must be completely dry.
  • Before applying the mask, massage your hands gently to improve blood circulation.
  • Hold the mask on your hands for at least 30-40 minutes so that it is absorbed. It is not recommended to wash them off before this time.
  • Some anti-aging masks need to be kept overnight. In this case, cotton gloves should be worn on your hands.
  • Wash the mask off your hands only with warm water.
  • At the end of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

These rules should always be observed, but there is additional hand care, for example in winter.

Features of skin care in winter

The benefits of baths and anti-aging masks are not enough if you don't take extra care of your hands in winter.

Basic tips for hand care in winter:

  • It is not only possible in winter but in general to wash with hot water. Hot water starts to dry the skin.
  • Never wash your hands with antibacterial soap. It dries out the skin.
  • Every time after washing, you need to grease them with nourishing cream and do a little massage. The movements of the massage should look something like this: massaging each finger as if removing a ring from the finger. Next comes the movement as if the gloves were straightening out.
  • All housework should only be carried out with rubber gloves. Before getting dressed, you need to smear the skin of your hands with a cream that contains silicone.
  • Always wear gloves or gloves in cold or windy weather.
  • Introduce a rule of hand care with nourishing and rejuvenating masks.

Hand skin rejuvenation at home

Hand rejuvenation mask recipes

After every mask, the hands feel great. If you do the procedure once or twice, you may not even realize that it has already become a habit. In this case, you cannot stop and you will have to continue with proper care. Then the hands never reveal the exact age of their owner. With proper care, they will always look decent. There are different types of antiaging agents.

Some types of anti-aging masks:

  • Paraffin. It is mainly used for those who spend a lot of time in the cold. As soon as paraffin is on the skin, it releases heat, can relieve pain and tension, and moisturizes.
  • Peeling mask. Exfoliates dead skin particles and renews them. After this mask, after almost two sessions, the result can already be felt. After the treatment, the skin is soft and silky.
  • Bleaching. It can't be used often, it helps get rid of skin pigmentation. The product makes the skin perfectly white thanks to the acids contained in its composition, for example, lemon juice. The mixture is ideal for skin rejuvenation.
  • nutrient. The product takes good care of the skin. The composition includes nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Thanks to them, nutrition occurs completely. At the same time, the product is perfectly absorbed, has a positive effect on the health and appearance of the skin. The skin is instantly nourished, soft and smooth and looks healthy.
  • Moisturizing. It is recommended to use absolutely for every age category. Skin can dry out at any age for a number of reasons. Due to its composition, the mask moisturizes the skin well.
  • Nail care. When caring for your hands, you must not completely forget about the health of your nails. The mixture ensures double care at the same time. Besides helping to rejuvenate the skin, it also strengthens the nail plate. The nails begin to grow quickly and harden at the same time.

Simple hand mask recipes

The following hand masks can easily be made at home.

Honey anti-aging

Honey primarily prevents, rejuvenates and nourishes dry skin.


  • 1 tbsp. l. any honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Oil (vegetables).

Mix all ingredients and let rest for a few minutes. A greater effect can be achieved if the mixture is left to stand overnight.

Quark mask

A very useful mask. The quark contained in its composition has a rejuvenating effect.


  • 1 tbsp. l. Lemon peel or lime peel;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Green tea;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Oils (you can take almonds or olives);
  • 3 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese.

First of all, you need to get a homogeneous mass from the curd without lumps. Then mix all the ingredients together. Apply the mixture in a thick layer. Hold for 25 minutes. For best results, use the mixture twice a week. The result is smooth skin.

Parsley quark mask. Proper nutrition and excellent skin hydration result when using this mask.


  • 1 tbsp. l. freshly squeezed fresh parsley juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese;
  • fish oil 2 capsules or 2 tablets.

Mix the ingredients, leave for five minutes, apply the resulting mixture to the skin in a thick layer. You need to hold it for at least 15 minutes. Then the mixture is washed off and moisturizer is applied to the skin until it is completely absorbed.

Potato mix

Nothing is required for this mask. Its composition is just mashed potatoes. The requirement for mashed potatoes is that it must be warm. It is necessary to apply it to the skin and keep it for about 25 minutes. The result is soft, smooth handles.

Healthy cocktail

Rejuvenation of the skin of the hands at home


  • 1 tbsp. l. Oatmeal;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Bait;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Vegetable oil (olive oil);
  • 1 tbsp. l. Butter;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 0. 5 tsp lemon juice;
  • 0. 5 tspgreens (you can use parsley or dill).

This is an extremely beneficial anti-aging blend for all skin types. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to your hands. The mask nourishes, moisturizes, perfectly rejuvenates the skin and saturates it with collagen. It must be applied in a continuous course. The course includes 8 masks that are distributed over a month. To get a greater effect, you need to wear cotton gloves on your hands. The effect of the product is instantaneous.

Lemon mask

Rejuvenates and brightens the skin and is used for pigmentation or reddening of the skin.

To prepare you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. Oatmeal;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any oil (vegetable);
  • 1 tbsp. l. Water.

Grind the oatmeal and add warm water. Let stand and swell. Add the squeezed lemon juice and oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting composition to your hands. For best results, wear cotton gloves and continue working overnight.

Premature skin aging

In order to keep your hands young and beautiful, you have to prevent premature skin aging. This can be related to the following factors:

  • Close contact with water and household chemicals. No woman thinks about how badly she injures her hands every day. Washing dishes, washing clothes, doing other household chores using household chemicals but not protecting the skin is a common thing.
  • Climate factors. The skin of the hands is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays and changes in weather. Therefore, the skin needs additional care both in winter and in summer.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body. With age-related changes in a woman's body, estrogen levels decrease, causing the skin to become dry and lose its former healthy appearance. In order to avoid premature aging of the skin, you need to deal with its prevention.

Timely skin care will help prolong youth. Every day you need to remember your hands: protect them from the cold, sunlight and household chemicals.